So Bryan and I have been working on a packing list. See I have a tendency to forget things - cell phone chargers, pants, etc.  Last year Bryan asked me to pack a bag for him before we went on vacation, he was swamped at work and so I, his new wife, was like 'sure babe! No problem, I'm great at packing!"  Well, lets just say that I forgot to pack him pants! Not a single pair could be found in either of our suitcases...oops. In an attempt to not forget or miss anything, I asked a few of our SIMCO missionary friends to share their packing lists and some advice. Our good friend, Jon Cross, offered up some good advice. Jon typically brings one pair of underwear for each day he will be gone and then a few extras because you never know when you are going to need them! So I decided to take his advice and see how many pairs of underwear Bryan will need. Check out the numbers below:

8 pairs per week (1 pair for each day and 1 just in case pair) x 52 weeks per year x 2 years = 832 pairs of underwear

So now that we have established how many pairs of underwear Bryan will need, I figured it would be best to figure out how much all of this underwear will weigh - for packing purposes.

A 4-pack of Hanes boxers (including packaging) weighs 13.1 oz, which means that each pair of underwear weights 3.275 oz. Lets crunch the numbers:

832 pairs of underwear x 3.275 oz x 1 lbs /16 oz = 170.3 lbs of underwear

Got it. Thank goodness for Black Friday shopping trips! Haha...perhaps I'll look into a washing machine or a stone to down at the river..
11/27/2011 09:31:18 am

Haha love it....glad you're putting your time to such good use lol! But even better, you and Bryan are keeping your sense of humor about anything and everything. :)

11/27/2011 10:40:58 am

well......I would donate a couple of extra big rocks to send with you so that you can use them to clean all that underwear....what's another few lbs. or so to pack and carry over..???

11/27/2011 10:42:57 am

Well Coley, If history repeats itself, I, being his mother, would say that YOU would need many more pair than he does. You see, I did his laundry for 18 years and I know how often he changes. In other words, insise out, right side out, inside out, right side do the math.

11/29/2011 02:44:34 am

You are such an engineer....only someone with such a wonderful brain would figure out how much undies will weigh! It is a great idea to start on a packing list though. You will be amazed at the things you think of to write on it that you would have otherwise forgotten. I can't wait to see you washing clothes in the river.....good times!


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