As a senior in college I still hadn't quite figured out the secret to public speaking. Each semester I dreaded seeing the word "Presentation" in the class syllabus. The pure thought about standing up in front of a group, regardless of the size, terrified me. Throughout my undergraduate education, I received comments like "Prepare more", "You sway when you talk", and "Don't read from you notes" after every presentation I gave. But the thing was - I would spend hours upon hours preparing for a 3 minute presentation. Scripting, rehearsing, talking to myself in front of the mirror - nothing seemed to help. During my senior year I remember practicing in front of my roommates, trying different strategies to keep myself from swaying or stumbling over my words. They would laugh at me as I clenched my quads in attempt to keep my body from moving. Oh yeah - it was that bad. 

That was almost 3 years ago. I recently helped lead a group of Compassion International coaches through the Sports Friends' Basic Training. We taught them everything from a Biblical foundation for sports ministry to how to run a training for kids. It was an amazing time of learning and growth, both for the participants and myself. Since moving to Ethiopia, I have had several opportunities to speak/teach about a variety of subjects related to sports ministry. While the thought of standing and presenting material to people still scares the dickens out of me, my mindset towards the task has significantly shifted. To have opportunity to equip believers with tools to aid in their ministry to youth is a huge honor and blessing. To be able to provide coaching tips and drills to a coach who has a heart for the lost but lacks the natural futball talent or knowledge to run a training is priceless. Often times this requires me standing up in front of a group, yet I know that despite my weaknesses and insecurities my God still chooses to use broken vessels to accomplish his will - what a comforting truth!

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