Happy Mother's Day to all of you moms out there! Without you, none of us would be here today. :) A special shout out to the women who nurtured and grew us into the people we are today. I'm sure we didn't make your job very easy, but I think we turned out alright :)
Hey Mom! Happy Mother’s Day! Thank you for everything you have done over the years. Thank you for standing in the snow at my soccer games; for teaching me responsibility; for laughing at my jokes; for thinking dessert is an essential part of a meal; and for teaching me to study and memorize God’s Word. Your encouragement, discipline, correction and guidance have made me into the woman I am today. Words escape me; all I can say is “Thank You!” You are one of the strongest women I know. I am continually amazed by your courage and perseverance. Your willingness to grow and learn from mistakes inspires me to pursue my own sanctification. I’m lucky to call you my mom. Growing up I remember that all you ever wanted from us kids for Mother’s Day was “no fighting for an entire afternoon.” Regardless of our best intentions, we could only keep the peace for about an hour. Maybe this year will be the year! I promise not to antagonize, provoke or argue with any of my siblings today :) Know that I love you and wish I could be there to celebrate YOU today. Happy Mother’s Day!

PictureBryan dancing with his mom
Oh mother of mine … over the years, you have worked so tirelessly to pour into my life. Here is a simple thank you. Thank you for driving us to school so we didn’t have to ride the bus; thanks for the amazing birthday cakes; for the freedom to make my room my own; for rebuking me when I was wrong and encouraging me to stand for what was right; for all the care packages; for the ridiculous & non-stop strings of puns; for all the blankets, pillowcases, curtains and so on that you have made of the years; for teaching me how to look for ways to encourage others and work behind the scenes to make things great; for teaching me to set my sights high and go beyond the requirements or high expectations; for insurance to cover my astounding ability to create medical bills; for the sleepless nights on uncomfortable hospital chairs;  for not getting mad that I purchased plane tickets to leave the country 48 hours later and miss 3 days of high school while you were at school working that night ;). Thanks for teaching me how to cook, clean & sew, Nicole greatly appreciates those traits! Thanks for encouraging me to spread my wings and see where God leads. After visiting 4 continents and living in 2, my understanding of God has grown and made a great impact on my life and will continue to for many years to come. God has blessed me greatly through you. Thanks for everything else I didn’t mention, all the big & little things that you do. Thanks for being mom. Happy Mother’s Day!

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