Every morning good ol’ Shaun T’s voice shouting, “ARE YOU READY?!?!” echoes through the meeting hall at camp. My groggy, exhausted response is almost always undistinguishable. For the last 4 weeks, the ladies of Langano & Brian Hall (my boss) have been going through the Insanity workout program. I’ll be honest; I’m tired and sore! And the workouts STILL kick my butt. If you are unfamiliar with the program, Insanity is an intense cardio circuit-training program. The workouts consist of a series of cardio exercises designed to target and strengthen your entire body. Currently I have a love/hate relationship with Insanity. I love getting my heart pumping and the endorphins flowing, but the workouts start SOOO early in the morning. The exercises make me feel so un-athletic and out of shape, but it is fun to workout hard again. This week is ‘recovery week’ and I’m not exactly sure what it will entail but I’m hoping it will not include any type of squat because I don’t think my legs can handle anymore! 

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