Desta - his love for the Lord is vivid
Meet Coach Desta Tadesse!
Name:  Desta (Joy in English) Tadesse
Lives in:  Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Age:  28 years old
Family:  2 brothers & 3 sister
Education: Bachelors in Business Administration and 
       Information Systems
Work experience:  Professional soccer player & owner of a        
       mobile maintenance store
Coaching Teams: 2 Under-15 boys team with plans to begin a 
        girls team

Mark 8:34-37
"And calling the crowd to him with his disciples, he said to them, "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel's will save it."

As a recent graduate with a Bachelor’s in Business Administration, Desta had high hopes for his new mobile maintenance shop. Like any young entrepreneur, he had dreams that the shop would grow and be a stable source of income for years to come. In addition to being blessed with a sharp mind, Desta is also a gifted soccer player. He even played soccer professionally in Ethiopia for several years. While playing professionally, a pair of godly coaches noticed Desta’s joy and love for the Lord. They saw him as an emerging Christian leader both on and off the field and decided to invest time, resources and energy into developing his leadership skills. About two years ago, the coaches sent Desta to a Sports Friends Basic Training. For Desta the training sparked a passion and a vision for using soccer to bring youth to a saving faith in Jesus Christ. 

As Desta formed his teams, he began to feel called into full-time ministry. But with the responsibilities of his shop always looming overhead, he was unable to devote much time to building relationships with his players off the field.  He was faced with a decision, and for Desta the choice was simple – seek first the Kingdom of God (Matt 6:33). To most people the choice to sell his shop was irresponsible and irrational. Even now, nearly two years later, many people do not understand why he would “throw away his life,” but with a smile on his face he graciously explains his satisfaction in Christ alone. 
Desta and one of his teams
Desta is currently coaching two teams of boys under the age of 15. He spends 6 days a week at the field coaching the boys and developing their skills. Many of these boys have promising soccer careers, but developing their skills on the field is not Desta’s primary goal. His greatest desire is to see young lives transformed by the Gospel. He loves spending time with the kids off the field and discussing life with them. Over the last two years, he has seen 15 of his boys come to know the Lord and he is hopeful that many more will be added to the Kingdom.  
Desta’s ministry is an example to us all of what ‘serving sacrificially for the sake of the Gospel’ truly means. This humble man receives no income for his efforts and his sister provides for his basic needs, so that he can focus on ministry – but to Desta it is all worth it.

By helping us train leaders like Desta, you can help impact communities across the globe for Christ. Your gift of just $75 will equip an emerging leader with the knowledge and skill set to use sports to impact their communities for God’s Kingdom. To read more and give online, please visit:  www.sports-friends.org/coachescampaign

Celebrating a tournament championship with his team

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