Enqwandehnahmetachu a Nico's tsegor bait! Welcome to Nico's hair house! You are looking at the newest hair stylist at Langano! For many years I cut my little brother’s hair. Then I started cutting Bryan's hair. I've given many great hair cuts, but I have also given NUMEROUS train wrecks. I can remember the first time I cut Bryan's hair. I was sooo nervous that even a buzz cut was difficult. For the first week after I cut his hair, I didn't tell him that I had accidentally left 3 super long hairs standing straight up on the back part of his head. Oops...Recently, I started cutting hair for the boys who live on the compound. Every Saturday, the boys wander over to our house and I cut some hairs. One time Bryan turned the breaker off when I had cut only half of one of the boy's hair. He got super concerned and just as panic spread across his face, Bryan switched the breaker back on. The boys thought it was hilarious! Please continue to pray for us and the relationships that we are building with the Ethiopians. 

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