Wow! What a blessing! Thanks to an awesome couple, Bryan and I were able to spend a couple of days relaxing and enjoying God's creation in the tiny town of Cascade, ID. Being a thoughtful husband Bryan asked me if there was anything that I wanted to do before we left for Ethiopia. I quickly blurted out that I have always wanted to go snowshoeing! As soon as the words left my mouth, Bryan looked at me as if I was growing third arm! He didn't know what would possess a person to strap 'tennis racquets' to their feet and hike up a snowy mountain side. Conveniently the hotel we were staying at had FREE snowshoes for all of their guests :) So you guessed it - we went snowshoeing :) and it was AWESOME!!! We spent a few hours trekking around the National Forrest, worshipping God and marvelling at His creation. I loved hanging out with my man, getting my snow fix and enjoying the last bit of winter cuz I'm 99% sure it won't snow in Ethiopia :)

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