Girl likes boy. Boy likes girl. Boy meets Girl’s sister and brother-in-law for breakfast. Interrogation commences. Boy spills guts in hopes of receiving their coveted stamp of approval. Jury is still deliberating : )

Haha, shortly after leaving Fayetteville, AR we had the opportunity to meet my sister’s new boyfriend for breakfast in Tulsa, OK. When we arrived he already had a table secured and came to the door of the restaurant to greet us. Nice touch. After a few minutes of exchanging pleasantries, the food was ordered and we got down to business. As he sat up straighter in his buttoned-down shirt, we fired our first question: “What are your intentions with our sister?” Once we got that question on the table, we spent the next 3 hours firing questions back and forth. Questions ranging from relationship with God and missions, to Megan and family – we covered the whole gamete. But seriously, we were honored that the young man sitting across the table was willing to openly share his heart, struggles, and feelings with us. It is easy to see why Megan likes him! We look forward to further discussions with each of them as they explore what God has in store for them (your not off the hook yet David – if you thought the three hour breakfast was long, just wait for lunch).

Also – have you guys every been to Oral Roberts University? That place has the funkiest architecture. Check out the praying hands and the prayer tower below!
The Prayer Tower
Anna Lynn
2/7/2012 12:38:17 pm

Haha I'm so glad you posted photos so we could see them outside our imagination...but that's pretty much how they looked even in my mind, so kudos to you on your descriptions! And I love that you used "gamete" in a regular blog post...I don't think enough people even know what words like that mean anymore lol!


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