


Weird things happen to you when you live in Africa. It is simply a fact. If you come visit, weird things may happen to you too! No one is safe :) The last couple of weeks paranoia spread throughout the camp. 25 Sports Friends Field Leaders gathered at Camp Langano for training - about half of the attendees were originally from the US, but all have been living abroad. About halfway through the training, the baby (Levi) on the compound got a case of mango worms. Now this was the second confirmed case this summer. The worms (yes multiple) were discovered during dinner one evening. Someone noticed a curdled rice looking lump on Levi's back, his dad was tasked with investigating the strange growth. Rice for dinner anyone?!?! :P  After some poking, prodding  and squeezing, a little white worm popped out from under his skin. Over the next 36 hours, 9 worms were removed from Levi's back, arms, and head. In addition 2 other individuals, who live on the compound, became victims to mango worms. You should have seen the panic in the eyes of all of the Americans. Reports of people being 'uncontrollably itchy' and random 'worm checks' being were conducted. :)  The theory is that these mango flies lay eggs in damp clothes or linens hanging out to dry. Apparently a good way to get rid of the fly larvae is to iron your clothes - hahaha! Not a chance, you will catch me ironing all of our clothes - life is too short! So far Bryan and I have been worm free :) But I'm sure our time is coming!
10/29/2012 05:40:33 am

I can't get over this. I might even consider ironing. It's like the roaches hatching out of that woman's lip after she licked the roach-egg-infested-envelope. I always thought that story was make-believe......

11/10/2012 02:21:38 am

Oh my goodness, that's so gross! That poor baby, was he screaming and crying the entire time??


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