In America it is considered rude to tell someone they are fat or that they have put on some weight. In Ethiopia they play by a whole different set of social rules. Not only is it socially acceptable to comment on someone’s weight, but carrying a few extra pounds is also proof of your financial stability.

During our last few months in the states, we were eating like royalty. From bacon cheeseburgers to mochas to Baskin Robbins ice cream – if it sounded scrumptious we ate it without thinking about the consequences. We kept telling ourselves that soon we would not be able to eat or drink things like Dr. Pepper whenever we wanted. As a result, both of us came to Ethiopia a little on the plump side.

After 2 months of living at Langano, our Ethiopian teammates are now telling us ”You are losing all of your weight. Eat!!!” I keep assuring them that eating is not the problem :) While we are eating differently then we would in the US, we are still eating some great American comfort foods. Yesterday our teammates made mango crisp and homemade ice cream. Today Bryan fried up some doughnuts and we spread Nutella on top of them and the camp cook made cake at two different times today! Amazingly Bryan has lost 25 lbs and I have dropped 10 lbs.

Also Bryan says, “If you are worried about him withering away into nothing, you should mail us some Ghirardelli Triple Chocolate Chunk brownie mix – available at your local Costco.” :)

Anna Lynn
7/28/2012 12:07:21 pm

So, I am really bummed--I went shopping and got you like 10 boxes of brownie mix, of various kinds, and had it nearly all packed and ready to send. Then I thought I better calculate shipping rates. I was expecting maybe $25-40 to send a box from here to Ethiopia, so I got quite the shock when I got a quote from FedEx and it was for over $400!! I trimmed my would-be package weight down to 2 lbs instead of 15, and tried more companies, and the cheapest rate I could find was still over $100. So I'm sorry to say that I wanted very badly to be able to send you some Ghirardelli chocolate brownie mix, along with some other goodies, but $100 for shipping a couple boxes of mix is a little too pricey. :-/ I even tried to see if I could buy mix anywhere else online and have them send it to you, but that was a no-go as well. If there's something I missed and you guys know of a way I can send you a package for a more reasonable price, please let me know! If not, please know that I did try, and take this as a rain check for some brownie mix when you get home.


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