So we are going to work in Ethiopia at Camp Langano. But this camp is just a small piece of the puzzle. Sports Friends is a ministry of SIM that is currently working in 3 different continents, using sports to tell youth about Christ. They  have put together a great video that is about 10 minutes long which shares more about the global perspective of sports ministry. I highly recommend checking it out. 

Click HERE to go to the video (
Wow! What a blessing! Thanks to an awesome couple, Bryan and I were able to spend a couple of days relaxing and enjoying God's creation in the tiny town of Cascade, ID. Being a thoughtful husband Bryan asked me if there was anything that I wanted to do before we left for Ethiopia. I quickly blurted out that I have always wanted to go snowshoeing! As soon as the words left my mouth, Bryan looked at me as if I was growing third arm! He didn't know what would possess a person to strap 'tennis racquets' to their feet and hike up a snowy mountain side. Conveniently the hotel we were staying at had FREE snowshoes for all of their guests :) So you guessed it - we went snowshoeing :) and it was AWESOME!!! We spent a few hours trekking around the National Forrest, worshipping God and marvelling at His creation. I loved hanging out with my man, getting my snow fix and enjoying the last bit of winter cuz I'm 99% sure it won't snow in Ethiopia :)
Over the last couple of weeks, people keep asking me what I do with my free time. Most evenings Bryan and I are meeting/hanging out with people to sharing the vision about the ministry in Ethiopia and just doing life together. During 'business hours', I typically do a bunch of administrative type work, but when I get a chance I love to make cards! :) I create greeting cards - sometimes color schemes and designs pop into my head and other times I use Pinterest as a launching pad. For those of you who don't know - Pinterest is awesome! Google it. Ok, well I thought I would share a couple of the cards I created yesterday. Hope you like em!
Nicole riding Trooper - "Good horsey!!!"
As we get closer to leaving the beautiful U.S of A. and heading to our new home in Ethiopia, we have been preparing physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally for the transition. This week my task was to learn how to ride a horse! Prior to about 3:30 pm on April 3, 2012, my only experience with a horse had been a couple trail rides at summer camp in middle school. On these trail rides each rider was riding a horse that was tied to another horse in front and in rear. The most exciting part of the ride was when either your horse or the horse in front of you decided to relieve himself! Haha.  All of this to say - I was a newbie to the whole horse riding thing. 

In true Southern style, I showed up to my lesson (Thanks Jacki and Hannah Cook!) in my cowboy boots. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of washing my jeans yesterday, so getting on Trooper, the horse, was a little bit of a struggle - note to self: wear jeans that have been worn a few times :)  Trooper was a good horse. He was very patient with me as I worked out some form and dexterity issues! But after 2 hours of riding, I had successfully learned how to walk, jog, and lope! Sometimes I would forget to steer or I would start chatting and forget to look where I wanted Trooper to go, which would typically result in me accidentally steering Trooper into a barrel... Sorry Trooper! By the end of my lesson Trooper was getting tired and stubborn, but the Cook ladies made sure I learned how to show the horse who is the boss!!! 

With a little more practice, I'll be ready to ride out to villages so that I can play soccer and share the love of Christ with Ethiopians!!! I'm stoked! And a little bit sore haha :)