Oh Colorado how beautiful you are! Last night the weather man projected that we would wake up to a 1/2" dusting of snow .  Good try weather man!!!! :)  We have at least 4" and it is still coming down. Upon waking up and finding myself in winter wonderland, I asked my brother if he had checked to see if school was cancelled - he just rolled his eyes, laughed at me and left for school.  In Nashville school would have been canceled for at LEAST week! 

Before this 'dusting' it had been over a year since I had seen any legitimate amount of snow accumulation. Wanting to soak up more time in the snow, I volunteered to shovel the snow off my parent's driveway. So naturally I grabbed my boots...my COWBOY BOOTS :)  You can take the  girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl. 

We have thoroughly enjoyed our time here in Colorado! Next stop - Boise, ID.
Oh how I love this question. What will we eat? Short answer = food haha. Long answer = lots and lots of injera with wot, tibs and fitfit! Injera is the national dish in Ethiopia. Check out the delicious spread below.
This is a sampler plate that is meant to be shared by several people. To eat you rip off a piece of injera (typically comes on the side rolled up like an ACE-bandage and is also the 'plate' that the wot, tibs, firfir and veggies are sitting on) and then you use the injera as a vessel to grab and scoop up the goodness. This requires a certain level of dexterity. To keep your fingers and face clean without spilling takes a bit of practice. Injera is a yeast-risen flatbread that has a unique, spongy texture that is cooked over a clay plate much like a crepe. Injera is typically made with teff. Teff is one of tiniest grains in the world with a diameter of 1/32" . I know what you are thinking, "whoa carbs!!!" "If your utensil is a floppy pancake, it seems that you would be ingesting an insane amount of carbs." Thankfully, a 14"-round plate of injera (not including the stew-like goodness and veggies) is only has about 100 calories. HECK YES!!! And better yet, teff contains more calcium than milk, twice as much iron as wheat and barley, and it is high in protein and fiber. Dream jeans here I come!!!!
Girl likes boy. Boy likes girl. Boy meets Girl’s sister and brother-in-law for breakfast. Interrogation commences. Boy spills guts in hopes of receiving their coveted stamp of approval. Jury is still deliberating : )

Haha, shortly after leaving Fayetteville, AR we had the opportunity to meet my sister’s new boyfriend for breakfast in Tulsa, OK. When we arrived he already had a table secured and came to the door of the restaurant to greet us. Nice touch. After a few minutes of exchanging pleasantries, the food was ordered and we got down to business. As he sat up straighter in his buttoned-down shirt, we fired our first question: “What are your intentions with our sister?” Once we got that question on the table, we spent the next 3 hours firing questions back and forth. Questions ranging from relationship with God and missions, to Megan and family – we covered the whole gamete. But seriously, we were honored that the young man sitting across the table was willing to openly share his heart, struggles, and feelings with us. It is easy to see why Megan likes him! We look forward to further discussions with each of them as they explore what God has in store for them (your not off the hook yet David – if you thought the three hour breakfast was long, just wait for lunch).

Also – have you guys every been to Oral Roberts University? That place has the funkiest architecture. Check out the praying hands and the prayer tower below!
The Prayer Tower
Welp, the day is finally here. With the car strategically packed and Prince’s hot chicken still churning in our digestive tract, we said tear filled goodbyes to some great friends in Nashville – we love you guys!!!

Now we are 166.4 miles into our road trip out west. We have taken to saying ‘out west’ because we are planning on making stops in Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, California, Idaho, and Washington to spend time with family & friends as we finish raising our support. Lucky for us – Bryan and I love taking road trips together. And this road trip we are trying something new….Driving the speed limit! So far so good. It is not as much fun as driving super fast, but in the grand scheme of life it is definitely safer and more lawful haha. It is a good thing we made this decision because so far we have seen 16 police and drug task force vehicles on the highway. Also, it is a good thing we are not carrying illegal drugs. Hold on – just 2 more. If I were carrying drugs, this would be a great day to take the scenic route :)

We made it to Fayetteville, AR and are being loved on by Kathleen Paulsen and her roommates! What a blessing!