Oh Colorado how beautiful you are! Last night the weather man projected that we would wake up to a 1/2" dusting of snow .  Good try weather man!!!! :)  We have at least 4" and it is still coming down. Upon waking up and finding myself in winter wonderland, I asked my brother if he had checked to see if school was cancelled - he just rolled his eyes, laughed at me and left for school.  In Nashville school would have been canceled for at LEAST week! 

Before this 'dusting' it had been over a year since I had seen any legitimate amount of snow accumulation. Wanting to soak up more time in the snow, I volunteered to shovel the snow off my parent's driveway. So naturally I grabbed my boots...my COWBOY BOOTS :)  You can take the  girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl. 

We have thoroughly enjoyed our time here in Colorado! Next stop - Boise, ID.

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