Welp, the day is finally here. With the car strategically packed and Prince’s hot chicken still churning in our digestive tract, we said tear filled goodbyes to some great friends in Nashville – we love you guys!!!

Now we are 166.4 miles into our road trip out west. We have taken to saying ‘out west’ because we are planning on making stops in Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, California, Idaho, and Washington to spend time with family & friends as we finish raising our support. Lucky for us – Bryan and I love taking road trips together. And this road trip we are trying something new….Driving the speed limit! So far so good. It is not as much fun as driving super fast, but in the grand scheme of life it is definitely safer and more lawful haha. It is a good thing we made this decision because so far we have seen 16 police and drug task force vehicles on the highway. Also, it is a good thing we are not carrying illegal drugs. Hold on – just 2 more. If I were carrying drugs, this would be a great day to take the scenic route :)

We made it to Fayetteville, AR and are being loved on by Kathleen Paulsen and her roommates! What a blessing!
2/3/2012 07:27:26 am

Glad you made it! Thanks for the update. Remember, "no more shopping."

2/3/2012 12:38:06 pm

If y'all want to detour through Texas my feelings won't be hurt one bit. :0)


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