When we first moved to Langano, Loli was terrified of Bryan. For months she would run away crying if she saw him. Oh how a year changes things! Now she loves him and every time she spots a stray dog , she shouts "Bryan, na! Woosha alle!" Bryan come! There is a dog! Per her request Bryan grabs his pellet gun and shoots the dog loitering around the outdoor kitchen. When he hits the target the dog runs away, and Loli laughs as a goofy grin spreads across Bryan's face..two peas in a pod! 
Teaching 'em young!
*Note: Bryan uses a pellet gun as to not harm the animals. He only shots the stray dogs and baboons that bother the kitchen staff and campers. Many people in the community have contracted rabies after being bitten by the stray dogs. With the dynamic duo of Loli & Bryan protecting the compound, all are safe to work and play! 
Judy Kelley
9/19/2013 03:16:53 am

That is a great story and cute picture. Especially since reading the story along with it.
Frank and I visited with your Grandma And Grandpa over the weekend. Was wonderful to see them. Your grandpa seems to be recovering fairly well from his back surgery. Sure hope the results will be a pain free back for him. He has suffered for so long with this issue.
Frank and I are doing well. Char and her family will be coming over for dinner tonight. We will have much to catch up on as our trip to Seattle included several stops to visit all my family.
We plan on heading south for AZ the second week in October. After setting up the trailer, we will head for CA to visit and baby sit our grand children for a few days while Lori and Jim attend a conference. We look forward to this time as we miss spending time with Jameson and Giselle. Anyway, take care and God bless.Love and prayers, Judy

9/19/2013 06:15:53 am

Wow. Bryan looks so scary. NOT!!!


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