It has happened. Some thought this day would never come. I was skeptical as it happened, but today is the day that I voluntarily sought out a cup of coffee. Granted, it was a peppermint mocha - but hey a girl has to start somewhere :)  And let me tell you - it was fantastic! I loved every sip of it. Perhaps my taste buds are training for all of the coffee goodness that Ethiopia has to offer :)  
12/6/2011 06:03:22 am

YAY!!!! Good for you! Welcome to the dark side :)

12/6/2011 11:35:26 am

I'm so disapointed!..I was hoping you would hold out much longer and at least hang with us "hot cocoa" lovers for awhile longer. My wife came home with a Starbucks cup...but claimed it was just hot cider??? not sure...I didn't dare taste it to see.... sorry to hear about going to the dark side...maybe at least you will be able to make more friends now that you are starting to drink that car oil stuff while in Ethiopia

12/6/2011 10:10:56 pm

Oh man! I brought back SO many bags of the Ethiopian coffee with me... I was devastated when it ran out, and pretty much never drank coffee again.



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