The last two days have been such a reminder of how God is completely in control. While waiting at our third step in the driver's license acquisition process, we stopped to reflect on our brief time in Addis Ababa. It quickly became very apparent that we were not in control of the situation - God was. Praise and laughter flowed from our lips! The Lord had provided a taxi driver who not only knew how to get us to each of the 3 steps, but he came up big time at the Ethiopian Roads Authority. He knew where to buy the folder (a large pice of construction paper folded in half) and stamp required to get our paperwork processed. The paperwork was in Amharic, so he filled it out for us and went to bat for us with the employee handling our case. While all of this was happening, the only thing we could do was sit, watch and pray. Handing all control over to a sovereign God is so incredibly liberating!!! By the grace of God we were able to get the license grade required to drive all of the vehicles at Langano. Check out my Ethiopian license below :) 
By the end of the day, we had acquired our driver's licenses, Bryan had passed the SIM driving test, and we had leased a truck for the summer!!! Each of these things fell perfectly into place. I couldn't help but smile as I remembered the words on the wall in our room at HQ - "Every good and perfect gift comes from above" James 1:17. So true
Anna Lynn
6/4/2012 04:01:31 am

Ok, I'm curious...what are the dates for? As far as I know, you didn't exist on 9/9/1979, unless you did the whole Drew-Barrymore-going-back-to-high-school thing...maybe 1/9/2004 is when you got your CO driver's license? But then I don't know what 1/9/2006 is for...that's all really neat though!!


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