One day upon returning home from a trip to Addis Ababa, we found ourselves in the most random situation. As I was pulling into the 'driveway' to our house, I noticed what looked like a baby warthog chilling right in front of the house. I figured that when the truck started getting close to the warthog, him would run away - but as I backed into the house the little guy didn't move! So Bryan got out of the car to 'shoo' him (at this point I was  assuming he was a boy) away. The warthog didn't want to move. As soon as the engine stopped, he wandered under the car for shelter. After a few minutes of coaxing, he left the security of the car. Thats when I noticed the blood and slimy stuff on his back. 
What to do?!?! He is not big enough to eat!
The gooey goop reminded me of the birth I had witnessed earlier this year. I started looking around for the mother and found a large wet, sticky spot where this little warthog was born! The spot was less than 2 meters from our front door. 

The little guy entertained us for a while and then wandered off into the bush. Ecstatic about our finding, we ran over to our neighbors house to tell them all about the baby warthog. The little guy's ears must have been burning because he showed up again! For whatever reason, we decided he was probably hungry and it was our job to feed him. So we convinced our teammate who was breast feeding at the time to donate some milk to the little guy! To our dismay, this warthog did not like human breast milk...
Trying to get the baby warthog to drink breast milk...
He didn't like it...
Jen Hanley
10/30/2013 01:34:44 pm

Need more info! You can't leave us hanging...what happened to the warthog


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