Many essential life skills are learned at an early age. For example, the ability to brush your teeth, tie your shoes, or swallow pills. One would think that by the mature age of 25 these simple tasks would be mastered. As a child growing up in the US, we are given medication in many ‘child friendly’ forms, chewable tablets, droppers, liquid, etc. I (Bryan) am beginning to believe that perhaps this form of coddling is hindering our children. If a child needs a medication that only comes is tablet form, many parents ‘help’ their kids by the crushing it up into little pieces and mixing it in with applesauce or yogurt to mask the taste of the pill. This is all great and I have no doubt that I will one day rely on these same methods (to some extent) for my own children, but there has to be a point at which enough is enough, just swallow the pill! So why this random blog post you might ask, two words, MY WIFE. You see, Nicole, bless her heart, was a late bloomer when it came to pill swallowing. This skill was, well I should say, STILL IS very difficult for her. The anticipation of the event almost kills me. You can see the strain of mental preparation in her face; I can only imagine the battle raging between her ears. Regardless of her technique or the amount of time she spends trying, she always ends up choking the pill down. The aftermath is usually a coughing, gagging, sometimes crying hot mess. Being a good husband, I am always standing by ready to perform the Heimlich or CPR. The entire event often times has me gasping for air as I struggle to control my laughter. I have made an executive decision that I will be responsible for teaching our future children the important life skill of taking pills. 

PS - for those of you who frequent our blog and noticed the rapid improvement in my writing skills, I must give my wife some credit for helping with a round of editing to polish up the rough edges. Just one more reason I love her ;)
1/6/2013 05:31:34 am

poor Nicole. I have another friend with this same problem!! I think it has to do with a hypersensitive gag-reflex sometimes. They say drinking a sip of something carbonated, putting the pill in and then drinking more helps! Good luck!

1/6/2013 05:32:30 am

I did not hyper link the pill intentionally...I'm not sure why that happened :)


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