Thai food is delicious!!! Well...most Thai food is delicious :)  We have enjoyed expanding our palette and tasting different foods. One thing that took us by surprise in Thai food was the wide use of jelly textures. I'm still trying to figure out how rice products become squishy and gelatinous...

While in Chiang Mai, we had the opportunity to spend an entire day learning how to cook Thai food. We created a 6 course meal and even ground our own curry paste! It was set up like a progressive meal and we cooked/ate our way through the day. I finished off my meal with mango and sticky rice...if I close my eyes I can still taste it :) 
1/1/2014 04:37:57 am

Mangos with sticky rice is amazing! I'm sure you had good mangoes too! You'll have to prepare your 6 course meal for us sometime :)


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