Haha...those words are so funny to me (Nicole, but I suppose Bryan would also laugh if he heard me say how mature I have become - gotta keep him on his toes :P).  Tonight I find myself sitting at my computer 'preparing' for a mid-semester presentation with a client tomorrow morning.  I know that most people do not even bat an eye at the idea of giving a presentation, but anyone who has seen me in an academic setting knows that I loathe presentations. People staring at you. Words flying from your face. It is all bad news. Inevitably I start doing something weird during my presentation like swaying back and forth, making my audience sea sick. I've tried everything to attempt to combat this fear - holding a paper clip, clenching my quads, practicing for hours on end, holding a podium, praying, memorizing my speech, - oh and the list goes on - but nothing has seemed to alleviate my fear of public speaking.  Typically, the days leading up to my presentation I am writing a speech, creating a PowerPoint, and freaking out....but not tonight!!! Take that presentation! Thank you Lord for taking this anxiety from me! :)  
11/19/2011 08:46:07 am

Wish I could be there making faces at you from the back of the room....I know that would help! Love you


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