Every night Bryan and I close the bedroom door and start looking around. I am typically armed with a book, while Bryan’s weapon of choice is one of his tall socks. As soon as the door closes we become like hunters looking for our prey. If we do not successfully kill our prey, they will suck our blood all night long!!! One of the fun things we do here in Ethiopia is count the number of new mosquito bites we have each morning. Currently we have parts of 7 mosquitoes stuck in our bed net and the blood and guts of another half dozen smeared on the walls. Last night I killed a mosquito and then called Bryan over to share in my excitement. The mosquito was completely pulverized and there was no trace of blood!!! I cannot even begin to find words to explain the joy and pride I felt. I had finally killed a mosquito before he bit me!!! Oh the small things in life that bring me so much joy :)
6/19/2012 06:28:50 am

Great hit! I hope you keep the little blood suckers at bay!


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