At this point, we are in the middle of a lot of waiting. With everything that is going on, it can easily feel like we are floating with little sense of purpose, need, direction with no end in sight. But waiting should not be an excuse to do nothing. So we are taking this time away from Langano to serve in some other ways. The other day this song came through the speakers and I thought it put things pretty well. And that is what we are trying to do. We don't want to waste our limited time here on earth, so we are trying to serve where we are. May this encourage you, just as it encouraged me. Serve God now, where ever you are, whatever your circumstances, SERVE. May he be glorified!
katie williams
3/10/2014 02:28:02 am

for what its worth, we are very happy that you'll be back!
love you guys

the williams


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